
National Life Center Convention Combines Learning and Fun

Scheidlers at NLC Convention

FROM LEFT: Peg Campbell, Marianne and David Higgins, Joe, Ann and Annie Scheidler

Denise Cocciolone, Director of the National Life Center, believes that pro-life work should be combined with fun. With that philosophy in mind, the National Life Center (NLC) annual conventions are always held where participants can enjoy the sunshine, the seashore, the mountains—and a little entertainment. From June 26 through 28, Joe, Ann and Annie Scheidler attended the NLC Convention in Myrtle Beach, NC.

In her address to the conference, Annie Scheidler, director of the League’s Generations for Life youth outreach, spoke on the signs of hope that young people are bringing to the pro-life movement. She stressed the importance of being totally honest when dealing with teens and urged attendees to maintain high standards of behavior for them. The NLC is an umbrella for a network of pregnancy assistance centers, which often minister to pregnant teens and address teens on the issues of abstinence and abortion. Annie also learned some new ideas to present to teens when she helps them form pro-life clubs.


As the headquarters for the First Way Pregnancy Assistance Centers, National Life Center maintains a toll-free number—1-800-848-LOVE—for anyone who needs pregnancy assistance. The volunteers at the central office will immediately connect a caller to a crisis pregnancy center in her own neighborhood.

During the Pro-Life Action League’s intensive 1999-2000 billboard campaign, the League posted NLC’s number on its billboards. Reports from National Life Center confirmed that the Center received a fourfold increase in calls from the regions in which the billboards were posted. The League appreciates the service provided by National Life Center so that we can direct women to the help they need no matter where they live.

Ann and Joe spoke about the challenge of facing the seventeen-year RICO ordeal, NOW v. Scheidler. Ann explained the issues in the case, while Joe emphasized the benefits resulting from the publicity surrounding the lawsuit. Contrary to what the National Organization for Women had in mind in pursuing the RICO case, the Pro-Life Action League gained national prominence and was able to produce several videos and promote their many projects more widely than they had before the case was launched in 1986. Joe and Ann underscored the reality that God can bring forth blessings from what seems at first to be a curse.

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The Womb: A Perfect Cradle

Mary Hunt of South Bend, IN, NLC Vice-President, spoke on the rewards of being involved in the ministry of helping women choose life. Doug Scott of Life Decisions International addressed the importance of adopting pro-life spending habits and elaborated on Planned Parenthood’s insidious agenda, and how many companies, due to LDI’s work, have dropped Planned Parenthood as fund recipients—more than eighty!

Dr. Richard Watson described the womb as the “perfect cradle,” an excellent way to visualize the baby nestled within his mother. Elaine Hamm told the audience about her fund-raising campaign using baby bottles to collect donations for the purchase of ultrasound machines for crisis pregnancy centers. Baby bottle samples were given to all attendees.

On Saturday evening the convention-goers were treated to a delightful musical review at the Alabama Theater, featuring music from Broadway, Gospel, rock and roll and the swing era. The National Life Center really knows how to celebrate life! It was an evening to remember.

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