In January 2002, Mother Angelica’s Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), which reaches millions of people worldwide through its television and radio programming, began airing the League’s recently produced video on sidewalk counseling, No Greater Joy, featuring Joe and Ann Scheidler, Tim Murphy, Julie McCreevy, Kathy Mieding, Annie Scheidler, and Fr. Stephen Lesniewski, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago. As a result, the League received calls from viewers all across the country who were interested in learning more about the sidewalk counseling ministry.
The No Greater Joy video kit is now available for purchase from the League, at a cost of $29.95 plus $4.00 shipping. The kit includes the video, an instructional booklet, a plastic fetal model, and a sampling pro-life pamphlets. To order, call 773-777-2900; fax 773-777-3061; or e-mail