
Cosmopolitan Covers Pro-Life Action League’s Handcuffs Project

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On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade last week, the Pro-Life Action League mailed a “care package” to every abortionist in the country. The package contained a photo of recently arrested abortionist Naresh Patel and a pair of plastic handcuffs.

On the back of the photo, League Executive Director Eric Scheidler wrote his phone number and a note saying, “Could you be next? If you want to get out of the abortion business, give me a call.”

The Handcuffs Project has generated more response than we expected—phone calls and text messages from abortion workers, tweets from Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, and a host of media coverage, both friendly and hostile.

Perhaps the most surprising bit of media response was Cosmopolitan magazine asking for an interview with Eric, which lasted 40 minutes and produced a surprisingly fair write up of the project. Read the article here and stay tuned for more news on the incredible response the project has received so far.

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