
“40 Days” Is Over, Our Mission Is Not

Fr. Paul, second from the right, leads the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.
Fr. Paul, second from the right, leads the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.

This Sunday marked the end of the international 40 Days for Life vigils.

In Chicago two dedicated volunteers, Rich and Judith, organized a lovely closing ceremony. Another volunteer, Barb, invited her priest, Fr. Paul, and he led us in the Rosary at Albany Medical Surgical Center on the city’s Northwest Side. We closed with Benediction in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel of the pregnancy center just down the street from the abortion mill.

This Is Just the Beginning

I hope all who participated in 40 Days will make a resolution to themselves that this will not be the end. This should not be–and cannot be–the end of the activism of so many pro-life people.

It must be the beginning of regular efforts to meet outside the clinics to pray for the babies.

If you’re looking for a pro-life activist contact in your area, I hope you’ll check our map. It contains information for over 200 pro-lifers who are actively going to the abortion clinics on a regular basis.

If you don’t see your location listed, email me. I am always excited to add another group to our map!

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