League Protests New Kansas Abortionist at Office in Illinois
James Voissem alerts passersby in Oak Park, IL that an abortionist is now working at a family practice office in…
League Helps Scuttle New Fairfax Abortion Mega-Center
In March, I received a call from John Murray, the coordinator of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Fairfax,…
Enormous Crowd for 40th Annual March for Life
Among those who attended the 40th March for Life in Washington, DC on January 25, one of the most commonly…
League Fights Planned Parenthood in All Weathers and on Every Front
As the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood has always been high atop the list of Pro-Life Action League opponents….
New Techniques for Saving Lives Revealed at Chicago Sidewalk Counseling Seminar
On Saturday, May 20, the Pro-Life Action League held a sidewalk counseling seminar at St. Mary of the Angels Parish…
Generations for Life Youth Outreach News
TeenSpeak 2013 Draws Largest Crowd Ever GFL’s 2013 Talks Blessed by Repeat Invitations TeenSpeak 2013 Draws Largest Crowd Ever “Amazing!”…
Powerful Speakers Deliver at SpeakOut Illinois Conference
A crowd of over 400 pro-lifers converged on the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rosemont on February 2 for the 22nd…
Joe & Ann Scheidler Spend a Weekend of Pro-life Activities in Naples, Florida
Activist Jim Finnegan and Joe Scheidler in Naples, FL protesting abortionist Wallace McClaine’s home. On April 4th, Ann and I…
May They Rest in Peace: Mike Schwartz, Eric Bower & Tom Bresler
Activist Eric Bower Three pro-life greats who were all good friends of the Pro-Life Action League have died in recent…
League Warmly Welcomes New Pro-Life Pope Francis
When Buenos Aires archbishop Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected by the College of Cardinals, the Pro-Life Action League was…
“Blessed Are They Who Mourn”: League Marks 40th Roe Anniversary with Graveside Memorials
To mark the 40th anniversary of the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court rulings that…
Aurora Pro-Life Battle Heats Up on Good Friday
Pro-life students from Christian Liberty Academy at Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois [Photo by Matt Yonke] In the summer of…