
2024 Lenten Prayer Challenge

For the 2024 Lenten Prayer Challenge, the Pro-Life Action League is inviting the pro-life movement to pray for an end to unwanted abortion.

New research reveals that nearly two thirds of women, thinking back on their abortions, say their abortions were contrary to their moral values and preferences, “unwanted,” or even coerced. And so during this season of prayer and penance, the League is calling for prayers for the following intentions:

  1. That every woman facing an unwanted abortion will find the strength to say what she really wants, and the help and encouragement she needs to resist the pressure to get an abortion.
  2. That the people close to that woman will listen to her with open hearts, and encourage her as she chooses life for her baby.
  3. That our society will acknowledge will acknowledge this epidemic and work together to prevent unwanted and coerced abortions and the misery they cause.

Will you join us in praying each day and fasting from one meal a week for an end to our national epidemic of unwanted abortion this Lent?

Yes, I will take the Pro-Life Prayer Challenge!

To join the 2024 Pro-Life Lenten Prayer Challenge, fill out the form below. Pro-Life Action League League staff will remember you in our prayers, along with all your fellow pro-lifers joining this year’s challenge. When you sign on, you’ll receive a copy of the special prayer for this campaign.