
League Brings the True Face of Abortion to NARAL Bash

Protest of NARAL party

Protest outside NARAL’s party at Chicago’s Gage restaurant [Photo by Matt Yonke]

Last night NARAL Pro-Choice America, the nation’s leading pro-abortion lobbying organization, held a fundraising event downtown Chicago, and the Pro-Life Action League was there to protest.

The evening’s purpose was to thank Illinois’ pro-abortion Congressional delegation for their opposition to the so-called “war on women”—the abortion lobby’s term for the majority of Americans who oppose paying for abortion with our tax dollars.

Though temperatures had been as high as 100° that afternoon, things were much cooler downtown Chicago on Michigan Avenue outside the Gage Restaurant where NARAL was holding their party. Proximity to Lake Michigan and the shade of the towering buildings kept things quite comfortable as we began to set up the protest.

Huge Millennium Park Crowds Face the Truth

Protest of NARAL party

League staffer Corrina Gura distributes literature about NARAL to passersby [Photo by Matt Yonke]

Beginning in the middle of the block outside The Gage, League volunteers lined the block with graphic abortion photos and specially made signs reading, “NARAL: Stop the War on Unborn Women.”

On a beautiful summer day, Chicago’s Millennium Park, directly across the street from the restaurant, draws thousands of visitors, and many of them browse the shops along Michigan Avenue—so the League’s protest was smack in the middle of all the action.

Hundreds walked through the display of graphic abortion signs and associated those signs with NARAL and the restaurant that was hosting them. Many were upset that their nice afternoon on the “Magnificent Mile” was sullied with thoughts of abortion, but many profitable conversations were also started with passersby who were interested in learning more about abortion and the League’s work.

NARAL President Talks to Protesters

Protest of NARAL party

Joe Scheidler and volunteers hold signs outside The Gage [Photo by Matt Yonke]

Later on in the protest, NARAL President Nancy Keenan came out of the event to talk to protesters—a true rarity for our pro-abortion opposition. Usually they stick to a strict strategy of non-engagement with “the antis” as they call us.

Nancy first approached a volunteer holding a 2nd trimester abortion picture and said, “Thanks for being here, it makes us look good.” She then proceeded to shake hands with League National Director Joe Scheidler and introduced herself.

After sharing some pleasantries, some of the volunteers standing with Joe began to tell Nancy she was in the wrong business and that she should listen to God. She replied with New Age aplomb, “God whispers in our ear and we all interpret what he says differently.” After being cautioned to make sure she wasn’t mishearing the Lord, Ms. Keenan headed back inside for her party.

NARAL Overblows Security Measures

Protest of NARAL party

Protest sparks conversation with passersby about abortion [Photo by Matt Yonke]

An e-mail intercepted the day before the event informed us that NARAL would be requiring photo ID for anyone entering the party, and indeed, a spy inside the party informed the League that off-duty Chicago police officers were working security for the party making sure only registered guests entered.

When asked why they were there, one of the officers replied, “Trouble.” When asked what kind of “trouble” he expected, the officer replied, “Didn’t you see those people outside? They cause trouble.” Our informant asked what kind of trouble he expected from the peaceful pro-lifers, but he continued with his mantra, “Trouble.”

Protest Concludes with Prayer

After all of NARAL’s guests had walked the gauntlet of graphic abortion photos and been reminded of what they were truly celebrating, League staff and volunteers packed up our signs and closed the protest with prayer.

NARAL had tried to keep the location of their event a secret because they know that whenever they have an event in Chicago, the Pro-Life Action League will be there showing them the truth about abortion. We can never let them forget the reality of the hundreds of thousands of girls who lose their lives each year under their crusade for “women’s rights.”

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