
Learn the Facts

Abortion opponents are violent — they shoot abortionists and attack women!

Despite some highly publicized cases, violence perpetrated by abortion opponents is extremely rare. All major pro-life organizations have official policies condemning the use of violence, and no cases of violence directed at abortion-bound women by pro-life activists have ever been substantiated, despite the rhetoric from some abortion advocates.

The few individuals who have committed acts of violence against abortion clinic personnel or property were not part of the mainstream pro-life movement, and in some cases have even admitted they were more motivated by a desire for fame than concern for the plight of unborn children.

In fact, there have been more reported acts of violence perpetrated against pro-lifers than committed by them. Just as it would be unfair to characterize all pro-choice people as violent because of a few criminals, it is unfair to say that pro-lifers are violent because of a few fringe figures.

On the contrary, pro-life activism demands singular patience and peacefulness, which is why the pro-life movement is, in fact, the most peaceful protest movement in U.S. history.


Human Life International. “Pro-Abortion Violence: Setting the Record Straight.” Accessed November 14, 2019. https://www.hli.org/resources/pro-abortion-violence-fixing-the-record.

Ertelt, Steven. “Paul Hill’s Violence Won’t be Missed by the Pro-Life Movement.” LifeNews.com. September 3, 2003. http://www.lifenews.com/nat97.html.

Pro-Life Action League. “League Condemns Murder of Abortionist George Tiller.” June 1, 2009. https://prolifeaction.org/2009/tiller.

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