What do you do when white supremacists show up at your pro-life rally?
This past Sunday, as the big rally before the March for Life Chicago was getting underway in Federal Plaza, a…
Pro-Life Action League protests and inspires at 2016 March for Life
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/prolifeaction/videos/10156478531400008/?permPage=1″ width=”533″ height=”300″ onlyvideo=”1″] Last week, pro-lifers from across the country descended on Washington D.C. for the 43rd annual…
Are pro-lifers to blame for anti-abortion violence?
Yesterday, charges were filed against Robert Lewis Dear, the man who killed three people in an attack on a Colorado…
We Need Tender Hearts—and Hard Foreheads
The other day my daughter contacted me, quite upset over her bioethics class. She has been studying the human experimentation…
Joe Scheidler’s Tribute to Pro-Life Pioneer Dr Jack Willke
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10155845728385008″ width=”533″ height=”300″ onlyvideo=”1″] On Tuesday, July 21, Pro-Life Action League national director Joe Scheidler offered a moving reflection…
Eucharistic Procession Offers Prayers for Religious Freedom in Chicago
On Monday, June 23, the Pro-Life Action League and the Archdiocese of Chicago sponsored a Eucharistic Procession downtown Chicago to…
VIDEO: Eric Scheidler False Arrest at Planned Parenthood Protest
Last night, Pro-Life Action League executive director Eric Scheidler was arrested on a bogus trespassing charge during a protest of…
Christ is risen!
Indeed He is risen! During this Easter Week, we take special consolation in the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection from the…
League’s “Handcuffs Project” Hits Home
When I mailed out a package to every abortion clinic in the country a couple weeks ago, including a pair…
Your “Marching Orders”: Make Your March for Life Count—Get Out to an Abortion Clinic This Year
In the coming days, hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers will march for life in Washington D.C., Chicago, San Francisco, and…
The Pro-Life Action League Thanks Cardinal George for His Courageous Leadership
Next week, Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago, will retire from a long and fruitful ministry, and we at the…
How Would Jesus Do Sidewalk Counseling?
When Jesus walked the earth there were no abortion clinics, but all the same His ministry does reveal a great…