
Host a “Dobbs Day” Anniversary Event in Your Town

Saturday, June 24, 2023 will be the first anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. Pro-lifers across the country will mark this day with a variety of events.

Below are ideas for several different ways you could observe this anniversary, depending on the situation in your state. Whatever event you choose be sure to see the Dobbs Day resources available at our online activism store.

Anniversary Celebration

If you live in a “red state” that has limited abortion since the fall of Roe, an anniversary celebration in the public square would be a good fit for your area. For “blue states” or “purple states” where abortion has not been curtailed, a celebration may strike the wrong tone and you may wish to consider one of the other event types below.

Your anniversary celebration could be as simple as a gathering of people holding signs in a public space, or you may wish to recruit speakers, clergy to deliver prayers, musicians, or whatever other elements make sense in your community to make a more noteworthy event.

Most public spaces are free for members of the public to use for gatherings like this, but especially if your event will involve public speakers or music, or if the space you wish to use requires a permit, contact the proper authorities to secure permission to use the space on June 24.

Rally for Life

In a blue or purple state, a Rally for Life may be a more appropriate idea. Rather than celebrating, since the end of Roe did not mean abortion became less available in your state, hold a rally celebrating the value of all human life in the womb, and calling for your state to recognize that value in the law. (Note: In the Pro-Life Action’s headquarters city of Chicago, we will be hosting a Rally for Life in Federal Plaza on June 24th.)

As with the Anniversary Celebration, your event can range from a small gathering to a large event with speakers, signs, music, and other elements.

Again, if your event will be held in a space that requires a permit or if it will be a particularly large event, be sure to contact the proper authorities to secure permission if necessary.

Abortion Facility Protest

Again for blue or purple states, the Dobbs anniversary could be a perfect opportunity to protest at a local abortion facility near you.

See the Signs and Literature section for signs you can purchase — or make signs of your own — and head out to the abortion facility for a protest.

As long as you make sure you stay on public property, no permits or permission is needed for this type of event. See the Learn to Distinguish Public Property from Private Property action for more on that topic.

Also see the Hold an “Old School” Picket at the Abortion Facility for more details on hosting this type of event.

Prayer Vigil

A prayer vigil at an abortion facility or another public space would be another great idea to mark the Dobbs anniversary in any state.

Simply choose your time and location, enlist some clergy or others to offer prayers, and invite your pro-life friends to join you.

As with the other events, you can keep it simple or make it more memorable by using a sound system, and perhaps arranging for some hymns to sing with or without musical accompaniment.

The Pro-Life Action League’s Life Witness Prayer Book also includes many appropriate prayers, hymns, litanies and more that would make an excellent addition to any prayer vigil.

See the Host a Prayer Vigil at Your Local Abortion Facility action for more on hosting this type of event.

Literature Drop

The Dobbs anniversary is also a great opportunity to do a “literature drop” where you distribute pro-life literature throughout your community.

See the Pass Out Pro-Life Leaflets in Your Community action for information on how to safely and legally distribute literature, and see the section below for literature you can use in your community from the Pro-Life Action League!

Signs and Literature

Whichever event type you choose, you can find signs, literature, and more at the Pro-Life Action League Store. We’ve put together a special page of Dobbs Day resources for your June 24 event.

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