
115 aborted babies found in D.C. include 5 possibly illegal abortions

On the morning of March 25, 2022, pro-life activists Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy of the group Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) were sidewalk counseling outside the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion facility in Washington D.C. when a driver pulled up from Curtis Bay Medical Waste. Terrisa and Lauren approached the man as he was carting large boxes from the abortion facility to his truck, and asked him if he knew what was in them.

He said he didn’t, and they told him the boxes contained the remains of aborted children. The driver was horrified. Terrisa and Lauren asked him if they could have one of the boxes. The driver asked what they would do with it, and when they told him they would bury the bodies, he gave them one of the large boxes of medical waste.

Terrisa and Lauren took the box to Lauren’s apartment, where they opened it. What they found inside — videotaping everything in real time — was horrifying beyond belief.

In addition to 110 small containers holding the mangled remains of children aborted in the first trimester of pregnancy, they found the corpses of five babies who had been brutally butchered very late in pregnancy. At least one of the corpses showed possible evidence of having been killed by means of the dilation and extraction (D&X) procedure — better known as “partial birth abortion” — which is a federal crime.

Five days later, on the advice of their attorney, Terrisa and Lauren transferred the remains of the 5 children aborted late in pregnancy to the Metropolitan Police Department for investigation into possible violations of the law by Surgi-Clinic abortionist Cesare Santangelo.

The very next day, the MPD announced that they found no evidence of any violation of the law.

On April 4, Curtis Bay Medical Waste put out a statement denying that they transport or dispose of fetal remains. However, the pro-life movement has long known about Curtis Bay’s enabling of the abortion industry — and the fact that they generate electricity for the City of Baltimore by burning medical waste.

On April 5, Terrisa and Lauren, along with several other pro-life activists, held a press conference in D.C. to tell the full story of how these 115 bodies were discovered, and why their investigation led them to believe federal laws had been broken. They also announced that they offered a funeral Mass and naming ceremony for all of these aborted children, and that the 110 aborted in the first trimester had been buried by a Catholic priest.

During the press conference, they showed video of opening the box and finding the bodies inside. Terrisa spoke of how that experience will be forever seared in their memories. Indeed, few who have seen these images will be able to soon forget them.

Demand justice for these children!

Take action to stand up against the brutality exposed by pro-lifers Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy! Here’s what you can do, starting with educating yourself about all that’s happened, and sharing what you’ve learned far and wide:

  1. Watch the PAAU livestreamed April 5 press conference to learn more about how these bodies were recovered, and why pro-lifers are convinced that abortionist Cesare Santangelo broke the law.
  2. Watch the short video produced by Live Action with clips from PAAU’s discovery of these bodies. Note: This video is very difficult to watch, but it’s essential that pro-life activists confront the truth.
  3. View the photographs of these abortion victims, hosted by our friends at Created Equal. Note: Again, these are very disturbing, violent images.
  4. Contact Curtis Bay Medical Waste to demand that they stop hauling fetal remains and incinerating these remains to generate electricity. Call them at (855) 228-1715 and email [email protected].
  5. Attend the #JusticeForTheFive Rally on Friday, April 8 at noon ET at the office of the Washington DC Medical Examiner, 401 E Street SW, Washington DC 20024 (map).
  6. Get a packet of the League’s “Understanding Abortion Later in Pregnancy” flyers to pass out, to help your friends and neighbors learn the truth about these brutal abortions.

The mainstream media is already trying to spin this as a story about pro-life activists breaking the rules to acquire these fetal remains. They won’t show the pictures of these children, which fully expose the violence of abortion.

It’s up to us to tell this story, and demand justice for these violently — and possibly illegally — aborted children!

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