
2018 “Face the Truth” Tour shows Chicagoland the truth about abortion

The Pro-Life Action League just wrapped up our 2018 “Face the Truth” Tour where we expose the reality of abortion by displaying photos of the victims of abortion at major intersections across northwest Illinois for eight days in July.

Displaying these images often leads to some very interesting interactions with the public, and this year was no exception. League executive director Eric Scheidler captured some of the most interesting of these stories in a daily video posted to the Pro-Life Action League Facebook page. Check out the videos below to see what it’s like on this exciting pro-life tour!

July 6: Guess what happened to the League cargo van!

July 7: “You look like that baby!”

July 9: Protesting alongside Planned Parenthood

July 9: Crazy counter-protesters downtown Chicago

July 10: What to make of Brett Kavanaugh

July 11: A miracle on the front lines

July 12: Two stories about adoption

July 13: A heartbreaking story of abortion regret

July 14: A story of hope and healing

July 14: End of Tour “Facebook LIVE” video

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