
Chicago Planned Parenthood to 911: “I Have a Patient Who Was Getting an Abortion Procedure and She’s Starting to Bleed Out”

Five years ago today — July 20, 2012 — 24-year old Tonya Reaves had an abortion at a Planned Parenthood location in Chicago. Following the abortion, she experienced bleeding, but it wasn’t until five and a half hours later that she was finally transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

Seven hours later, she was dead. In 2014, Planned Parenthood and the other defendants in the case agreed to pay $2 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the father of Reaves’ only surviving heir.

Five years later, thousands of unborn babies have been killed at this facility run by the nation’s largest abortion provider — and their mothers are being hurt. “Keep abortion safe and legal!” says the so-called pro-choice movement. True, they do want to keep abortion legal. But as for the “safe” part: It’s impossible to keep something safe that isn’t safe to begin with.

The Pro-Life Action League has just obtained the audio of a 911 call made by a Chicago Planned Parenthood employee on June 23, 2017 requesting an ambulance for a woman who had had an abortion and had begun to “bleed out.” You can listen to it in the video above. As any first responder knows, every second counts in an emergency situation, but note that the employee doesn’t even know the phone number of the Planned Parenthood facility where she works, which results in a lengthy delay.

Unlicensed Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Has Never Been Inspected

This Planned Parenthood facility in Chicago has been in operation since 1998 as an unlicensed abortion facility — which, incredibly, is allowed under Illinois law — and has therefore never been inspected by the Illinois Department of Public Health in its 19 years of existence.

Is it any wonder that it’s proven to be unsafe?

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