
“Pregnancy Termination” Is Not Abortion, and “Gentle Suction” Is Not Gentle

euphemismSome time in the next few weeks, my wife is planning to have her pregnancy terminated.

Now, lest anyone be scandalized that a Pro-Life Action League employee would say such a thing, let me clarify:

My wife, Jocelyn, and I are expecting our 9th child, and we’re well into the third trimester.

And, as babies growing and developing in the womb have a tendency to do, our baby will, some time soon, be born. After this happens, suffice it to say, my wife will no longer be pregnant.

Thus, her pregnancy will have been terminated.

Literally No One Is Opposed to Pregnancy Terminations

All pregnancies are eventually terminated, and no one is opposed to their being terminated.  Quite the contrary, in fact!

And yet many people have, for years, used the term “pregnancy termination” to describe a procedure that either surgically or medically ends the life of a genetically distinct, whole human being, and which they strenuously believe should remain legal for any and all reasons and at any and all times.

Of course, “pregnancy termination” isn’t the only euphemism pro-choicers like to use in reference to abortion. Two other popular ones are “emptying the uterus” (to describe the abortion itself) and “gentle suction” (to describe how the uterus is to be “emptied”), both of which are used in this whitewashed tomb of a video put out by the nation’s largest abortion chain:

It doesn’t take much grey matter to figure out why Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocates use this sort of phraseology. If you’re trying to sell women on the idea that abortion is no big deal, you’re obviously going to make it sound as agreeable as possible, despite what all those Yelp reviews say.

But take a look at a medical illustration of a first trimester abortion, and a picture of an actual product of conception pregnancy tissue baby killed by one, and ask yourself if the suction necessary to do that could reasonably be considered “gentle”.

“I Had No Idea What Abortion Was…”

The video above is emblematic of what the abortion industry wants the general public to know about abortion. They want people to know that an abortion is a procedure that a pregnant woman has in order to make herself “un-pregnant”, so to speak. But as for connecting the dots on how exactly that happens, they would prefer to keep us fuzzy on the details.

Through my job as director of the Pro-Life Action League’s youth outreach, Generations for Life, I often have the opportunity to speak to teenagers about abortion. One of the points I often make is that a lot of people, regardless of their age or education level, are unaware of what specifically happens to a baby during an abortion.

How else, after all, can one explain the gobsmacked reaction so many people have when they happen upon the pictures of abortion victims at one of our “Face the Truth” demonstrations, where comments along the lines of, “I had no idea what abortion was…” are par for the course?

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