
Our Message to Stericycle Shareholders: Dump Planned Parenthood

Today the Pro-Life Action League teamed up with our friends at Created Equal for a robust protest of the annual shareholders meeting of Stericycle, held in Rosemont, Illinois.

As the nation’s largest medical waste disposal company, Stericycle enables child killing by partnering with the nation’s largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood. Moreover, there is evidence that Stericycle is directly involved in abortion by disposing of fetal remains, as the attorney general of Ohio has implicated Stericycle in an investigation of the illegal dumping of fetal remains in landfills.

As shareholders arrived at the Doubletree hotel this morning, they were greeted by two dozen pro-life activists, along with numerous signs bearing the messages “Stericycle: DUMP Planned Parenthood,” “Stericycle enables child killing,” and “Stericycle enables this,” juxtaposed with a picture of an abortion victim.

stericycle_dump planned parenthoodAdditionally, Pro-Life Action League emissaries posted numerous flyers in the hotel’s bathrooms to explain why we were there.

In the flyer, we reminded shareholders that Stericycle’s stock has plunged in recent weeks, and we asked the obvious question: Is the growing public awareness of Stericycle’s relationship with Planned Parenthood to blame?

Our message to shareholders was simple: Stericycle has nothing to gain by maintaining its partnership with the nation’s largest abortion chain. It’s time for Stericycle to DUMP Planned Parenthood.

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