This Monday, the PBS program P.O.V. (Point of View) is scheduled to air the film After Tiller, a blatant propaganda piece that glorifies the work of America’s four remaining late-term abortionists.
When the film first came out, we encouraged pro-lifers to see it. The film provides valuable insights into what we’re up against, not only when it comes to late term abortion and its practitioners, but also in how the abortion industry seeks to justify itself to the public.
PBS Needs to Hear from YOU
But we strongly object to PBS giving this creators of this pro-abortion documentary an opportunity to reach a huge television audience with their propaganda, along with the “imprimatur” that a PBS airing will lend it in the minds of many viewers.
Not surprisingly, the film carefully avoids saying or showing anything about how these babies are killed. Only by hiding the victims of these late-term abortionists can the film hope to portray them in any sympathetic light.
Please tell PBS not to air this pro-abortion film. As always, keep your comments respectful, and remember that pro-life buzz words like “butcher” or “abortion mill” won’t get you very far with this audience. Be sure to emphasize the humanity of the victims and the injustice done to them.
You can also leave comments on the P.O.V. show page dedicated to this episode.
Yes, it’s unlikely the PBS will cancel the broadcast. But this is still a great opportunity for them to hear from pro-lifers—to be reminded of our existence, and shown that we’re organized, articulate and well-informed. This could bear fruit in the future.
Meanwhile, if the show is broadcast as scheduled, make an make an effort to watch it (I suggest setting your DRV so it won’t interrupt the peace of your Labor Day holiday).
Join the Pro-Life Twitter Hijack!
Abortion advocates are taking the opportunity of this weekend’s showing of After Tiller to promote late term abortion on Twitter this afternoon. Pro-lifers plan to hijack the campaign by tweeting with the same hashtags while exposing the truth about these abortions and their victims.
Use the hashtags #AbortionAccess and #AfterTiller along with facts and arguments against late term abortion (helpful resources here and here).
Past “pro-life hijack” efforts have been extremely successful—let’s score another virtual victory today!