A crack team of committed pro-life activists came to the North Side of Chicago May 21 to take part in a Pro-Life Action League sponsored “Face the Truth” Day.
Our first site was the high-traffic intersection of Fullerton Avenue and Ashland Avenue in the West DePaul neighborhood. The highlight came about halfway through the 90 minute stop when a woman who happened to be passing by asked if she could join us. Needless to say, we were more than happy to oblige her, and she held a sign until our time was up.
We then moved on to a site we’d never done before: Addison Street and Elston Avenue in the Avondale neighborhood. We chose this site in large part because it allowed us to reach thousands of fans making their way from the Kennedy Expressway along Addison Street en route to Wrigley Field for the Cubs-Yankees day game.
In addition to reaching huge numbers of motorists, Pro-Life Action League staffers and volunteers were also able to engage dozens of pedestrians in conversations about abortion — perhaps for the first time in their lives.
After all the signs were packed up, we joined in prayer to thank God for the opportunity to advocate for the right to life of our unborn brothers and sisters in the public square.
Both of these North Side intersections proved to be such great locations that we all agreed we need to be visit both of them again during our 8-day Face the Truth Tour this summer. The complete schedule for this year’s Tour, to be held July 11th – 19th, will be posted soon. Watch this space.