Julia, a member of Christian Liberty Academy’s Live Pro-Life group, shows the goody bags the group gives out, March 15 [Photo by Eric Scheidler]
I’m happy to report that since the beginning of this month, five babies have been saved from abortion at the huge Planned Parenthood’s mega-center in Aurora, Illinois, where the Pro-Life Action League is especially active. This is especially joyous news considering how difficult it is to speak to clients at this location, which was deliberately designed to hinder pro-life outreach.
The first came March 1 during a kickoff rally for 40 Days for Life. Sidewalk counselors Karen N. reports that a couple came out from Planned Parenthood and approached her as they were driving away. The woman nodded when Karen asked her if she was pregnant, and nodded again when she asked whether they’d changed their minds. Karen gave them information on the nearby Waterleaf pregnancy center. The man said they had to get a bite first—further indication they had had an abortion scheduled, since clients are instructed not to eat the morning before.
Three Saves the First Week of Lent
On Ash Wednesday, March 5, a car pulled out of the Planned Parenthood parking lot and pulled up beside sidewalk counselor Susan S. The passenger, a young woman, told Susan she had decided to keep her baby. Only minutes later, another car pulled up to Susan S. and counselor Randy M. and a beaming young woman told them about a previously unknown save: her daughter would soon turn one year old.
Two days later, Randy flagged down an SUV as it was leaving the parking lot. The young woman inside told Randy and counselor Mary V., “I changed my mind!” and then broke down in tears. Randy gave her information on Waterleaf, and Mary asked her name and promised to pray for her.
The next day, March 8, yet another car pulled out of the lot and stopped beside our pro-life crew. The driver, a man, told counselor Joe B. and prayer partner Ray, “We changed our minds. We didn’t do it,” and said he was hoping for a boy. So Ray gave the man one of the blue bags of baby items and information that some counselors give away to clients. The couple asked Joe and Ray to pray for them, and gave them their names.
Prayers Answered after Monthly Protest
The last of these five saves came this past Saturday, as our monthly protest was wrapping up. Just before I began to lead our group in a closing prayer at the protest site, some ways from where the counselors keep their posts, one of our number mentioned that a couple had just gone inside Planned Parenthood but were “on the fence” about following through with the abortion.
Monthly protest at Planned Parenthood, March 15 [Photo by Eric Scheidler]
I later learned that the man had come out from Planned Parenthood and crossed over to talk to sidewalk counselors Katherine W. He said they already had an 18-month-old and were afraid they’d be kicked out of their parents’ homes for getting pregnant again, but that he wanted to keep the baby. He took a bundle of literature from Katherine and went back inside.
Just as we were finishing praying for this couple—by name—Julia, a student from Christian Liberty Academy’s Live Pro-Life group, came over from the counseling area overjoyed to tell us that a couple had just had a change of heart. Little did she know we had just been praying for them seconds before!
I told the group, “The eternal God who sees all our prayers outside of time has just answered this one! Aren’t you glad you came out today?”
God Is Blessing Our Work in Aurora
How to explain this sudden surge of saved babies at Planned Parenthood’s “Abortion Fortress” in Aurora? Turn-arounds at this center are all too rare. To have five of them in just two weeks is unprecedented.
I wonder if at least part of the reason God is granting such victories to our pro-life community in Aurora, Illinois, is by way of blessing the gathering of pro-life activists we held towards the end of February to reinvigorate our ministry at Planned Parenthood.
Part of that blessing includes our being there to receive the joy of these parents who have chosen life for their babies. For some reason, they feel a deep need to let us know about this choice—even if they went into the building without paying us any heed. Even years later, they feel this need—like the woman who stopped on Ash Wednesday to tell us about her daughter.
To be there for these young parents——not only to help, but to receive their joy—is a tremendous honor that transforms all those upon whom God, in His mercy, confers it. Praised be His name unto ages of ages!