
League Kicks Off 15th Annual “Face the Truth” Tour July 11

Next Friday, July 11, the Pro-Life Action League kicks off our 15th annual “Face the Truth” Tour across northeastern Illinois.

Since 2000, the League has conducted a week-long tour covering a huge swath of territory across the Chicagoland area. At each stop, League staff and volunteers line a busy intersection with pictures of abortion victims to show the public the truth about what is all too often characterized merely as a “choice.”

This year we will be visiting 24 sites in and around Chicago. Get the full Tour itinerary here, and RSVP on the Facebook event page.

That’s What an Aborted Baby Looks Like?”

Is it controversial to show photos of abortion victims in the public square? Sure it is. It’s also undeniable that this pro-life tactic has proven to be indispensable in the fight against abortion.

settledMany people actually believe that what’s being aborted is merely a clump of cells or a blob of tissue. If you’ve never been part of a Face the Truth demonstration, you’d be amazed how often we hear passersby saying things like, “That’s what an abortion an aborted baby looks like?”

If you’ve heard people voice objections to Face the Truth, or if you have objections or questions yourself, please check out our Answering Common Objections page, where we answer some of those questions in depth.

Countless Babies Saved

The most amazing thing about a Face the Truth Tour is that the pictures we show actually save lives.

Here’s just one example: When we were in downtown Chicago during last year’s Tour, a man approached us and told us that 13 years ago, a good friend of his had just found out his girlfriend was pregnant. They decided to have an abortion, but then they came across a Face the Truth Tour and saw what abortion does to a baby. After that, they changed their minds, and chose life for their baby instead.

Their daughter is now 13 years old, which means that she was saved on the Pro-Life Action League’s very first Tour back in the year 2000. This girl is one of hundreds—and maybe thousands—of babies whose lives have been saved at Face the Truth Tours over the years.

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this powerful pro-life event!

And even if you can’t join in yourself, please hold up the Tour in your prayers.

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