The Pro-Life Action League is happy be partnering in a new initiative called the Pro-Life Information and Experience (PIE) Project. The idea is to bring together the collective wisdom and experience of the pro-life movement in one place with a series of videos from pro-life leaders—including League Executive Director Eric Scheidler.
Here’s the description from the PIE Project website:
Have you ever had a fridge that was full of food but nothing to eat?
We believe that a more cohesive and a more unified Pro-life Movement, is a more effective one. There is an immense wealth of information and experience in the Pro-life Movement, but we often find that, like the fully-stocked fridge situation, finding what we are looking for becomes overwhelming, or simply hard to find.
We believe that a well organized, single source of information will make the Pro-life Movement as a whole, that much more effective. The Project brings you the ever-growing torrent of Pro-life experience in a simple and easy to digest stream.
We’re excited to see this project get off the ground. Check it out on their website, Facebook or Youtube and be sure to spread the word so every pro-lifer can access this great wealth of pro-life knowledge!