I’ve often thought that one of the best things that could happen to the pro-life movement is for the “pro-choice” movement to get its own 24-hour cable channel.
Just give them a camera, give them a microphone, and let them talk. And talk. And talk some more.
The more they try to justify their position, the more self-evidently appalling their arguments become.
This is what went through my mind as I read excerpts from “Gosnell’s Babies,” a story released today in Philadelphia Magazine.
In it, the country’s most notorious abortionist, Kermit Gosnell, is quoted as saying:
In an ideal world, we’d have no need for abortion. But bringing a child into the world when it cannot be provided for, that there are not sufficient systems to support, is a greater sin. I considered myself to be in a war against poverty, and I feel comfortable with the things I did and the decisions I made.
There’s a word for Gosnell’s belief system: eugenics.
In fact, note the striking similarity between these words spoken by Gosnell and those spoken by Planned Parenthood founder and eugenicist extraordinaire Margaret Sanger in an eye-opening interview conducted by Mike Wallace in 1957:
WALLACE: Do you believe in sin — When I say believe I don’t mean believe in committing sin do you believe there is such a thing as a sin?
SANGER: I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world — that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit.
Also of note is the fact that Gosnell is convinced that his conviction was motivated by “religion”:
“I have come to believe that the presumption of guilt was compounded by religious convictions,” Gosnell said. “ … Were you aware that Seth [Williams, Philadelphia’s district attorney] was an altar boy? Did you know of the strong Catholic presence in the homicide division?”
…As if the only people who believe infanticide-by-decapitation is monstrously wrong are Catholics.
An excerpt of “Gosnell’s Babies” is available here. The full, expanded version of the story is available only as an e-book.
Gosnell Needs Your Prayers
Clearly, Kermit Gosnell isn’t sorry for what he did. In fact, he’s not even close to being sorry for what he did.
He needs prayers. Whose prayers? Yours.
Because if you don’t pray for him, who will?