The pro-abortion group NARAL has just launched a bizarre new video that places abortion on the same moral plane as getting a haircut, picking a sweater, going for a jog or chewing gum—all, apparently, things that a woman can “choose to do with her body,” just like abortion.
All this by way of introduction to their new “Choice Out Loud” campaign—or as they style it, “experience”—featuring various slogans about “choice” linked to professional photographs of models. It’s all very odd.
I was tuned into this project via an email from NARAL president Nancy Keenan, who is retiring soon. Apparently she didn’t get the memo from Planned Parenthood about abandoning the language of “choice.”
One of the photo sequences in the video shows a woman painting her face blue—her body, her choice. As they lose their grip on public opinion and face ever-stricter abortion restrictions, abortion advocates are getting weirder and weirder.