
New Graphic in “From Annunciation to Nativity” Series Released Today

From Annunciation to Nativity Graphic Number 2

Click image for full size graphic.

The Pro-Life Action League has just released the second installment in our web graphic series “From Annunciation to Nativity.”

The series follows the development of life we all go through in the womb, reflecting on the development that Jesus went through in the womb of Mary.

Today we see human life in utero at 44 days. Eyes, ears and fingers are developing and, under the surface, the circulatory and nervous systems are being built at a startling rate of speed.

It’s amazing to reflect that the Creator of the universe became a 1/2 inch long defenseless embryo for our sake, sanctifying each stage of human development as he passed through them.

Please share this (and all the Annunciation to Nativity graphics) on Facebook or wherever else you want to spread the pro-life message!

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