Students from Christian Liberty Academy reaching out to clients at the Planned Parenthood facility in Aurora [Photo by Eric Scheidler]
Compassionate pro-lifers ministering outside abortion clinics in Chicago and Aurora have saved two babies—and their mothers—from abortion in recent weeks. The Pro-Life Action League is honored to have provided training and support to the activists whose peaceful presence bore such fruit.
The first save came on a Saturday in September at the Family Planning Associates abortion clinic in downtown Chicago, where students from the Live Pro-Life group at Christian Liberty Academy in Libertyville were passing out special gift bags to clients, as they do every month.
Creative Gift Bags Help Save a Life
Each of these white gift bags contains a photograph of an infant with a hand-written note on the back from one of the CLA students, a card with a QR code that links to a YouTube video on abortion, a flyer on fetal development and a little pair of baby socks.
A car drove up to the clinic entrance. In the passenger seat was a teenage girl, with an older woman—likely her mother or grandmother—driving. One of the CLA students greeted her with a hello and said, “Here’s free gift for you,” handing her the gift bag. The girl said, “Thank you,” and then the car pulled off to park.
A half hour later, the girl got out of the car sobbing and followed the older woman inside the abortion clinic, with a hoodie over her head and her covering her face. The group from CLA began to pray for this girl. When a veteran sidewalk counselor named Philip arrived, he began to pray for her too, and remained at FPA when the CLA group left.
When the CLA group arrived for their monthly stint at FPA on October 5, Philip told them about a girl who had left the clinic after they’d left the previous month, saying that she was going to keep her baby. Her description matched that of the girl who had taken the gift bag—the second time one of these gift bags has saved a baby.
Pro-Lifers Help Couple in Aurora Choose Life
That same morning, 30 miles to west, faithful pro-lifers from several area churches, including Calvary Church and St Mary’s Church in Dekalb, were praying outside the huge Planned Parenthood facility in Aurora when a couple left the building and got in their car. According to sidewalk counselor Karen, the man had been in and out of the building several times, apparently agitated.
Not sure whether the woman had aborted or not, Karen called over to them as they pulled out of Planned Parenthood’s parking lot, saying she had information for them whether or not they had made a choice or were still trying to decide. Their car stopped, and Karen saw tears running down the woman’s face. Thinking the woman had had an abortion, she said, “Honey, I’m sorry.” But the woman responded, “I didn’t do it. But we need help. We don’t have a place to stay.”
Karen asked the couple to follow her to Waterleaf Women’s Center, one block west, where the staff warmly greeted them and worked on arrangements for temporary shelter and even began making job contacts for the husband.
Please keep both of these mothers and their babies in your prayers as they continue with their pregnancies. Please also pray for all the pro-lifers who so faithfully pray and counsel outside America’s abortion clinics, offering mothers one last chance to choose life for their babies.