Just a few minutes after we finished our “Face the Truth” day in Rockford, IL on August 16 and crowded into Eric Scheidler’s van for the ride home, Pro-Life Action League staffer Matt Yonke got a message from Planned Parenthood, letting him know that their “Women Are Watching” bus tour would be making a stop in the Chicago suburb of Lincolnshire on August 22.
We had a decision to make. If we called for a protest on such short notice, would pro-life activists show up?
Normally when we schedule a protest, we like to send out the word well in advance — at least two weeks, preferably.
But we didn’t have that luxury this time. Still, there was no way we wanted to let an opportunity to protest Planned Parenthood’s “PeptoBus” pass us by.
We decided that we had to go ahead and schedule a protest, and that through Facebook, emails, and phone calls, we would still be able to get a decent crowd of pro-lifers to come out to protest the country’s largest abortion chain.
Sure enough, we were not disappointed.
Pro-Life Owns the Grassroots
Even though we only had a few days to pull together a protest, more than 80 pro-lifers came out to the UAW office in Lincolnshire yesterday to protest as Planned Parenthood’s “PeptoBus” came to town for an event billed as a “women’s health rally,” but which amounted to little more than a photo-op for pro-abortion congressional candidate Tammy Duckworth.
Compare that astonishing turnout to the approximately 40 people who attended Planned Parenthood’s “women’s health rally” — many of whom were actually employees of the abortion giant itself — and you get pro-life outnumbering “pro-choice” 2-to-1.
Our protest today confirmed what we’ve said many times before: the pro-life movement owns the grassroots.
We stridently oppose a national chain that annually kills 330,000 babies and receives over $360 million of our taxpayer dollars.
And we will not stop. We will continue to raise our voices in opposition and make our presence felt whenever Planned Parenthood comes to town and stages a gimmicky P.R. campaign.
“PeptoBus” Protest Pictures
You can view a slideshow of pictures from the August 22 “PeptoBus” protest here.