Pro-Life Action League executive director Eric Scheidler just had an article entitled, “Nationwide Rally June 8 Demands Health Care Laws Respect Religion” posted on the Manhattan Declaration blog, spreading the word to thousands about the June 8 Stand Up for Religious Freedom Nationwide Rally which the League is co-sponsoring.
Here’s an excerpt:
When President Obama moved forward with health care reform in 2009, he made a critical error. He chose to partner not with the Catholic hospitals and other faith-based charities that for centuries have been meeting the health care needs of poor and disadvantaged, but with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain.
From that partnership came the HHS Mandate, which considers fertility — a marker of good health — to be a kind of disease requiring mandated preventive care, and places the imagined “right” to free contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs above our most basic freedoms of religion and conscience.
That is the Planned Parenthood vision of health care, and it’s got to go.
Back in March the first Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally took place. Over 63,000 concerned citizens protested the HHS Mandate in 145 cities coast to coast, calling for the restoration of religious freedom.
On Friday, June 8, at noon local time in all six time zones, we return to the public square with the second Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally. But now we’re demanding more than the mere toleration of our religious convictions by America’s health care laws.
We’re calling on our leaders in Washington to give Christian health care institutions their rightful place when health care reform is on the table — as it will likely be in the next Congress.
Read the whole thing at the Manhattan Declaration blog and find the Rally closest to you on the Stand Up Rally website.