“Planned Parenthood” is one of the top trends on Twitter today—someone is writing about PP on Twitter (“tweeting”) every few seconds. This means tons of people are thinking and tweeting about America’s Largest Abortion Chain.
This is a great way for pro-lifers to spread the truth about Planned Parenthood.
Visit Expose Planned Parenthood and click on “Get the Facts” to get some ideas of what you can tweet. The homepage also has links for contacting your Representatives, if you haven’t done so already.
Pro-Aborts and Confused People Defend PP
So what are people saying about Planned Parenthood?
There are the uninformed, like BadLuckBunny (caution, he uses foul language), who writes,
PLANNED PARENTHOOD already lost all it’s government funding. Thats why you have to pay upfront for services. What is twitter talking about?
There are those who attack us, such as Charlene Teglia:
Planned Parenthood provides low-cost healthcare for low income women w/out insurance. Didn’t Jesus say to take care of the poor? #hypocrites
And of course there are many touting the “abortion is only 3%” figure, such as the numerous people retweeting Ezra Klein’s pie chart in the Washington Post.
Pro-Lifers Spread Truth About Planned Parenthood
My favorite to read (not surprisingly) are the pro-life posts.
This one is being retweeted by many people:
Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds—As Many in One Year as Live In Cincinnati http://is.gd/iRi1zr
Here’s one I posted from our ProLifeAction account:
98% of Planned Parenthood services to pregnant women are #abortion http://tinyurl.com/3byqqr4
More Tweets on The Issue
The protests are making the news, too, according to Johanna (again, caution: foul language):
the news just showed two black dudes holding up a sign with “planned parenthood has killed more african americans than the kkk.”
And this one by Dusty Rhodes is just funny:
Here’s how to get Obama to fund our troops: make them all employees of Planned Parenthood.
It’s great when a pro-life issue is at the forefront of everyone’s minds—let’s make it our job to be sure the right information is getting to them, and not just the hype that Cecile Richards and her employees want people to hear!