You may remember the Pampers “Hello Baby” iPad app released last year to universal acclaim from pro-lifers.
And now, Pampers has produced this commercial:
On the one hand, I suppose, some pro-lifers might object that the commercial implies there’s nothing wrong surrogate motherhood and in-vitro fertilization, and as such, may cluck their tongues at it.
Make no mistake, surrogacy and IVF are wrong — although it’s also quite true that the lives of babies produced via either of these techniques have just as much intrinsic value as those of any other person.
But on the other hand, consider that this commercial is produced by a company whose sole reason for existence is to make money, and it’s probably safe to assume that there is no particular set of spiritual or moral beliefs that guide the folks in their marketing department.
In other words, we should never expect too much from any form of advertising produced by any secular corporation, ever. Instead, let’s take what we can get. (I’ve written more about this idea on my personal blog in a post entitled “The Gomer Pyle Axiom of High and Low Expectations”.)
This having been said, I think this commercial is wonderful — especially so because of its specific mention of children with special needs. Considering the abominably high abortion rate among disabled children, any form of secular advertising that highlights their humanity is a very welcome sight.