If you haven’t been to the Pro-Life Action League’s Store, lately, click over and take a peek—you’ll see a few new items that have been added recently.
New Pro-Life Materials For Sale
First, you’ll want to catch up on your reading with a copy of Love Them Both by Dr. Jack Willke. Thanks to a generous donation, we’re able to sell you a copy for only $5! Many of the answers in our Sharing the Pro-Life Message handbook are drawn from the pages of Love Them Both.
Also, the League’s partnership with Matthew Kelly’s Passion and Purpose conference allows us to provide you with Kelly’s Rediscover Catholicism for only $5.
If you love to cook—or have a friend who does—I hope you’ll buy a copy of Bless Us O Lord, a cookbook produced by our friends in The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary of St. Theresa Parish in Palatine, Illinois. The entire $15 purchase price from the cookbook funds the lifesaving mission of the League.
Pro-Life “Must-Haves”
Of course the League provides a host of “must-have” products for every pro-lifer, especially the Sharing the Pro-Life Message handbook, which has been distributed to tens of thousands of pro-lifers, enabling them to articulately explain why they are pro-life.
Browse our DVDs or buy a couple of protest signs while you’re at it!
We hope these new materials will arm you with more ways to get out on the street and share the truth about abortion with the world!