We were honored when we found out recently that Generations for Life has been named a collaborating member of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, since GFL is the first youth organization focused primarily on the pro-life cause that has been accepted as a collaborating member of the Federation. The NFCYM hosts the biennial National Catholic Youth Conference, which we attended for the first time in 2009. That year’s conference, held in Kansas City, drew a crowd of over 22,000! At our display booth, we handed out over 1,000 “Precious Feet” pins, along with hundreds of pro-life stickers and pieces of pro-life literature. Because of the thoroughly positive experience we had in in Kansas City, we’re really looking forward to NCYC 2011, November 17-19 in Indianapolis. This year we’ll also be giving away the “Your Mom Chose Life” pins — the winning design from the Pro-Life Button Workshop at our TeenSpeak conference held earlier this year. Make your plans to attend NCYC 2011 now — and when you’re there, make sure to stop by and see us!