With our summer “Face the Truth” Tour getting ready to hit the streets July 8-16, the Pro-Life Action League — GFL’s parent organization — is proud to present an exciting new video explaining the Face the Truth approach to pro-life activism and why we believe it’s one of the most important tools in fighting abortion:
This video was shot on last year’s Face the Truth Tour by our friends at Spirit Juice Studios — which, along with GFL, was accepted as a collaborating member of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry earlier this year. This video is a great way to show your friends who might be unsure about joining in pro-life activism that it’s necessary for our culture to see the reality of abortion before it will reject abortion. It also shows that regular people from all walks of life take part, and that it’s safe and effective. If you live anywhere near Chicago, join us! If not, please say some prayers for us—and, even more importantly, pray that many people’s hearts will be changed by seeing the ugly reality of abortion. Please share this video and the full Face the Truth Tour schedule with your friends today. Let’s get people fired up about sharing the pro-life message with Face the Truth!