Ann Scheidler sets up the first sign in Cincinnati [Photo by Eric Scheidler]
On Saturday, October 8, the Pro-Life Action League brought the first ever “Face the Truth” Tour to Cincinnati, Ohio.
The idea to bring this dynamic public education initiative to Cincinnati was conceived when League Executive Director Eric Scheidler met his third cousin Tim Scheidler, a Cincinnati native who traveled to Chicago for the tribute dinner for Joe Scheidler last April.
Tim, an avid pro-lifer himself, wondered if the League might be willing to bring Face the Truth to his home town. After discussing the prospect with some other Cincinnati contacts, it was determined that there was enough interest to bring out volunteers for the effort, so plans were set in motion.
Cincinnati activist Jenn Giroux and Tim Scheidler helped suggest sites which the League staff examined, and composed an itinerary. Postcards and e-mails were sent out in advance of the Tour alerted local pro-lifers to the event.
Press Covers First Site
The first site at Boudinot Avenue and Glenway Avenue kicked off at 9 a.m. with over a dozen pro-lifers holding graphic abortion images along the 5-way intersection. A local reporter from the Cincinnati Enquirer interviewed Eric Scheidler about the Tour, and a story ran the next morning.
A woman approached Tour volunteer Kim during the first site with her 11 year old daughter who asked what the pictures were. The woman said that if she was old enough to ask, she was old enough to know, and asked Kim to explain. Kim told the girl that people sometimes don’t want their babies and have someone kill them instead of taking care of them and that pro-lifers were trying to stop them.
The girl understood and was in no way traumatized as opponents of Face the Truth often claim children are by the pictures, but instead walked away with knowledge and compassion for her unborn brothers and sisters.
Numbers Swell at Second Site
Face the Truth Tour in Cincinnati, Oct. 8 [Photo by Matt Yonke]
At the second site at Kenwood Road and Galbraith Road in Kenwood, over 20 activists came out, including many who had been involved in pro-life for decades. Many knew League National Director Joe Scheidler and many credited Joe for getting them involved in pro-life in the first place.
Response was overwhelmingly positive and hundreds of cars saw the truth about abortion as they traveled to the adjoining Kenwood Towne Center mall and The Jewish Hospital, where abortions have ceased since the hospital was brought into the Catholic Mercy hospital network.
After the second site, lunch was provided by Jim Dandy’s Family BBQ. The owner of Jim Dandy’s is a friend of Tim Scheidler’s who couldn’t join the Tour but wanted to offer his support. The pulled pork and pulled chicken sandwiches were a real treat in the middle of a long day of activism.
Positive Response to Third Site
The final site was at Colerain Avenue and Springdale Road in Northgate. Traffic was very heavy as rush hour neared and hundreds of cars saw the display. Though the manager of the Pearle Vision where we parked our vehicles forced us to move to an adjoining parking lot, everything else went very smoothly.
Family stops to hold signs and talk to Joe and Eric Scheidler [Photo by Matt Yonke]
Response continued to be overwhelmingly positive including several people who stopped to thank the League for exposing the truth about abortion. One woman working at one of the businesses along the display came over to say thanks, and Eric Scheidler in turn gave her a brochure about the League as well as a copy of the League’s Sharing the Pro-Life Message handbook.
A family of eight saw the display as they were driving and stopped to join in. The parents had seen Joe Scheidler speak when they were in college and it had motivated them to continue to take part in the pro-life movement for the past decade.
Towards the end of the site, a woman pulled over with her six year old son. I expected her to bring him over and vent her anger at her son having to see the pictures, but she didn’t. She walked with him over to one of the “Malachi” 2nd trimester abortion pictures and calmly explained the reality of abortion to him.
She spoke to me afterwards and thanked us for being there. She donated the four dollars she had on her and her son, though visibly saddened by the fact that anyone would do what the pictures portrayed, was not traumatized at all. He was informed, and I’d wager the pictures will stick with him and influence his action going forward.
Thanks to Cincinnati’s Stalwart Activists!
Cincinnati’s stalwart crew of activists made this tour a great success. Thousands saw the reality of abortion and activists were thrilled with the opportunity to take part in this pro-life campaign. By the end of the day there was already talk of bringing the Tour back to Cincinnati soon. Thanks to everyone who took part! You made the day the success it was.
If you’re interested in bringing Face the Truth to your town, contact the League for more information.