League Vice President Ann Scheidler appeared on Fox News Chicago Tuesday night to talk about a new breed of early gender prediction home test kits.
Fox’s Robin Robinson, who conducted the interview, as well as most of the “man-on-the-street” interviewees felt at least somewhat nervous about the slippery slope from early gender prediction to abortion based on gender. But strangely, Ann’s fellow guest, OB/GYN Dr. Lauren Streicher, had almost no fear of such a thing.
Citing her years dealing with pregnant mothers, she states that she has never seen a patient choose to abort because of the gender of their child. But Dr. Streicher ignores two prominent concerns.
First, gender selective abortions have, in actual fact, led to a exactly that—children, mostly girls, being killed in utero because of their gender leaving a massive dearth of female children in Asia, known as the missing women of Asia. Second, we have never had the ability to predict gender so early at a stage where people feel much more comfortable choosing abortion.
Watch the video to hear Ann’s side of the story and the rest of the report.