I recently came across an interview with Jessica Foti, a former member of the pro-life club at Boylan Catholic High School in Rockford, IL, and currently a college student at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH, who is going to be walking across the United States this summer with a team from a great pro-life ministry called Crossroads. From her responses, it’s clear that Jessica has a very clear understands what spreading the pro-life message is all about. Here’s how she answer the question, “Why is being involved in Pro-life ministry so important to you?”
Being involved in the pro-life movement has been a personal calling and growing passion of mine ever since I learned about the ministry when I was 14. My involvement in the pro-life movement began because of innocent curiosity and enthusiasm to help and has thus developed into an ongoing call to holiness in which I desire to love God through reaching out to others in this ministry. My love, concern, and respect for life and dignity of the human person have blossomed into such a huge part of my life that everywhere I go, I desire to love everyone I encounter. Having spent many hours outside abortion mills in prayer, I have witnessed firsthand how abortion is a direct act against love and has deeply wounded countless people. I wish with every part of my being that I could help in some way, to take away any potential pain and regret on the part of anyone involved in the abortion industry. I realize this is a spiritual battle and thus have depended on Christ. He has led me deeper and deeper into the pro-life ministry and opened my eyes to the ways in which I can act through love to pray and sacrifice for the sake of others.
God bless you, Jessica! You can read the rest of her interview here.