This week our office received two sad, but not overly surprising, phone calls.
The first was from Ginny, a Prayer Warrior and Sidewalk Counselor at Planned Parenthood in Aurora. She called to report that an ambulance had driven into the parking lot on Saturday, February 13 around 11:30 a.m. Four medics went in to the clinic for a time, but they ended up coming out without a patient.
Then, on today’s voice mail, we received word that a pro-life friend, Anthony, spotted an ambulance from Superior Ambulance company leaving Family Planning Associates, Albany Medical-Surgical Center on Thursday, February 18, around 6:30 p.m. Since Albany does its abortions in the morning, it appears they kept this woman for many hours before finally deciding to call for medical help.
Chicago Method: Lawsuit Alert
Abortion is not safe, whether it is legal or illegal. This is the reason the Pro-Life Action League developed the Chicago Method of sidewalk counseling. Our counselors distribute copies of lawsuits against the abortion clinic to the women going in, to show them that this is an unsafe place.
We know that not every woman who is injured while getting an abortion does sue (we’ve kept track of dates we’ve seen ambulances before to match against lawsuits filed). But I hope and pray these women will and that, not only will they heal from their injuries (physical and spiritual), but that God may use their injuries to save other women and babies from experiencing the pain of abortion.