
URGENT ACTION ALERT: New Planned Parenthood Megacenter in MI—Join the Opposition TONIGHT

Auburn Hills, MI mapPlanned Parenthood is at it again. This time they’re planning a 17,000 square foot megacenter in Auburn Hills, Michigan.

Fortunately for us, they made the same mistake they made in 2007 when they built the “Abortion Fortress” of Aurora, Illinois—they’re building in the backyard of a veteran pro-life activist!

Former League staffer and head of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Dr. Monica Miller lives in Pontiac, Michigan, just a few towns over.

Monica will be leading the opposition to the new facility, and that opposition movement starts tonight! Pro-life citizens are gathering to oppose the facility at the Auburn Hills City Council meeting tonight at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at Auburn Hills City Hall at 1827 N. Squirrel Street (map).

Here’s how you can help:

  • Attend the meeting if you’re anywhere in the area
  • Set aside some special time to pray for tonight’s meeting if you can’t attend
  • Spread the word to all your pro-life friends whether you can come or not

Grassroots opposition and prayer are our best weapons in the fight against Planned Parenthood, so please do what you can. Together we can stop this atrocious new facility.

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