By now you’ve surely heard that this Saturday, January 30, a coalition of Illinois pro-life groups will be hosting the annual SpeakOut Illinois conference.
Kline, Rose, and Ruse to Speak
Then you’ll also know that three excellent speakers will be sharing their experiences and stories with us:
- Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General, with a talk entitled The Foundation of Liberty and the Rule of Law—the Need for Truth
- Lila Rose of Live Action Films, with a talk entitled Exposing the Truth About Planned Parenthood
- Austin Ruse, President of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), who will receive the Henry Hyde Life Leadership Award and give a talk entitled The UN Threat to Life, Faith and Family and How Christians Are Fighting Back
Passport For Life
While, undoubtedly, you’ll be coming primarily to hear these excellent speakers, there is an added bonus to those who attend: the Passport For Life Drawing.
Each year sponsoring organizations give gifts to be raffled off. To enter, attendees simply visit 20 of the nearly 30 sponsor booths, chatting about what that organization does and how they can become involved. They will then get a sticker from that booth to place in their Passport. After collecting 20 stickers, participants drop their form into the basket.
You Might Win
The prizes for this year’s Passport for Life drawing include:
- Free registration to the 2011 SpeakOut Illinois Conference—courtesy of the SpeakOut Illinois Committee
- $40 gift certificate for Giordano’s Pizza—courtesy of Orthodox Christians for Life
- Handmade baby blanket, sweater and bonnet—courtesy of the Pro-Life Action League
- Sculpture of hands holding baby—courtesy of the Pro-Life Action League
- Two tickets to the Illinois Right To Life Benefit Dinner on April 9, 2010—courtesy of the Illinois Right to Life Committee
- Picture of Christ With Young Boy—courtesy of The Women’s Center
- “Devotional Classics, Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups” ed. by Foster and Smith—courtesy of the Professional Women’s Network
- Tea set—courtesy of Illinois Citizens for Life
- $20 Target gift card—courtesy of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
- “The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion and Culture” by Francis Cardinal George, OMI—courtesy of the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Chicago
- Nativity set—courtesy of Aid For Women of Lake County
- “God’s Word for Life” Bible—courtesy of Lutherans For Life and Word of Hope
- “In the Womb” by Peter Tallack—courtesy of CareNet of DuPage
- “Abortion under State Constitutions: A State-by-State Analysis” by Paul Benjamin Linton, Esq.—courtesy of the Thomas More Society, Pro-Life Law Center
It’s not too late to register for SpeakOut Illinois 2010! Register online or call Illinois Right To Life at 312-422-9300.
I’ll see you there!