Chicago—The SpeakOut Illinois coalition of pro-life organizations will hold their annual conference on Saturday, January 30, 2010 at the DoubleTree Oak Brook Hotel and feature Lila Rose, president of California-based Live Action, a youth-led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending abortion. Rose, a UCLA student, and Live Action engage in investigative journalism to expose the threats against the unborn. Her undercover videos on “Exposing Planned Parenthood” have resonated with pro-life advocates across the nation.
SpeakOut Illinois is a unique coalition of more than thirty pro-life organizations in northern Illinois, including activists such as the Pro-Life Action League, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, pro-life law firm the Thomas More Society, politically active pro-life groups and religiously affiliated organizations such as Lutherans for Life and Catholic Citizens of Illinois.
In addition to Lila Rose, former Kansas attorney general Phill Kline will discuss his lengthy legal battle with Planned Parenthood. The Henry Hyde Lie Leadership Award will be presented to Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM). Ruse works extensively in the international arena to protect the sanctity of life.
“Planning and executing this conference enables us to truly come together for the pro-life movement,” said Ann Scheidler, vice president of the Pro-Life Action League and coordinator of SpeakOut Illinois. “We can learn about and support each other’s ministries while aligning our efforts to reflect on the tragedy of Roe v. Wade.”
Concurrent with SpeakOut Illinois is TeenSpeak, a conference for teens designed to help them live out their pro-life beliefs. TeenSpeak will also feature Rose and is sponsored by Generations for Life, the youth outreach division of the Pro-Life Action League.
“We hope other pro-life minds will join us at SpeakOut Illinois 2010,” said Scheidler. “It is but one way to strengthen the voice for life in Illinois and make an impact on the pro-life movement this year.”
For more information, the day’s schedule and to register, visit