
Chapter 56: Keep the Abortionist Out of Your Community

Pro-lifers pray in front of Goyal's new location. [Photos by Dan Gura]In Chapter 56 of Joe Scheidler’s landmark book, CLOSED: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion, pro-life activists are admonished, “If you learn that an abortion clinic is coming to your community, you are obliged to try to keep it out.”

Abortionist Goyal Moving into Arlington Heights

Since 1996 abortionist Vinod Goyal—owner and operator of seven abortion clinics in Northern Illinois—has sought permission to move Dimensions Medical Center abortion clinic from Des Plaines into a medical office building in Arlington Heights. Until recently he has been thwarted by state officials who ruled there was no need in the village for another ambulatory surgical center. Now, it appears, he is open for business on at least a part time basis.

Husband and wife team “doctors”  Vinod K. and Vijay L. Goyal have opened American Health Center Ltd. in suite 210 at 1640 North Arlington Heights Road.

Prayerful Protests

Goyal’s arrival has fired up pro-lifers at several area Catholic Churches, including Our Lady of the Wayside and  St. James in Arlington Heights, and St. Theresa in Palatine.  For the last four weeks a group described by the Daily Herald as  “solemn…abortion opponents” have prayed the Rosary in front of his new offices every Thursday from 9AM until 10AM.

I joined them last week with a banner which we have used several times in front of Goyal’s Inverness home.  I came back today with the banner and a pickup truck load of signs.

Come Join Us

I invite all to join us. Let’s line Arlington Heights Road with a score of fetal development signs. Let’s make sure everyone in town knows what Goyal wants to bring into their back yards.

Please don’t park in the medical building’s lot. There’s plenty of parking on Maude Avenue, the nearest side street to the mill (about 1/2 block south east). I look forward to seeing you there.

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