All the phone calls, e-mails, protests, legislator visits and prayers have paid off! Friday’s deadline for the passage of new legislation by the Illinois House of Representatives came and went without HB6205—the “Illinois FOCA” bill—ever coming up for a vote.
Realizing they were short of the votes needed for passage, the House leadership chose to send the bill back to the Rules Committee, which means that it is effectively dead for the year. We’ll continue to watch the House for any further developments—for example, a move to extend the deadline for this bill—but there seems little hope for HB6205 in 2010.
Thanks to all those who called, e-mailed and visited their State Representatives. Thanks to all who offered prayers or joined protests down in Springfield or at district offices across the state.
And a special thanks to our pro-life lobbyists: Ralph Rivera of Illinois Citizens for Life and Bob Gilligan of the Illinois Catholic Conference. Their tireless efforts down in Springfield and their wisdom and guidance for the whole pro-life community of Illinois made this victory possible. Well done, Ralph and Bob!