At this month’s protest of Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois, League Executive Director Eric Scheidler encouraged the crowd with news of 3 babies that had been saved from abortion in the previous week by the peaceful outreach of pro-lifers praying and counseling outside area abortuaries. Over 70 people came out to protest the facility, one of the largest in the country. The monthly protests have been taking place since before the facility opened back in October of 2007. Check out the video to hear more about the saves as well as important news about some events coming up this week that need your support in prayer: the “Face the Truth” Day on Wednesday, May 19, the protest of Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Thursday, May 20 and the ruling in the zoning case against Planned Parenthood Aurora on Friday, May 21. Be sure to leave some encouragement for Eric and the rest of his crew in the comments section as they head into this whirlwind of a week!