Dear Joe Scheidler,
I met you in an airplane from Chicago to Washington back in the late 1980s. I was a college student going to a Fraternal Convention who was studying law enforcement.
You told me I restored your faith in the future youth of America, and it really meant a lot to me receiving such high praise from another passenger on the plane.
You had asked me a question about my personal beliefs about abortion. I had replied that I didn’t believe in abortion except in the cases of rape, but today I have totally changed my belief. I now believe don’t blame the sins of the father on to the child. My wife was the result of a rape, and was put up for adoption 41 years ago. I did some investigation and found her birth mother.
Five months and one week ago, I was blessed with the birth of my first biological daughter, my special gift from God. If my wife had been aborted, then my special gift would have never touched my life as much as my wife has touched my life and the lives of so many others.
I wanted to thank you for your kind words to a stranger and the ability to change my beliefs.
My most sincere thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Bradley [Received by e-mail]
Dear Pro-Life Action League,
Hello, my name is Anthony, and I’m 12 years old. Thank you for sending me the Sharing the Pro-Life Message booklet. What made me want to get it was that I was in church with my dad and someone gave me the booklet to look at. I was stunned at the pictures and didn’t know the horrors about abortion.
All that time in the church I was thinking about it. I’ve shown my friends and teachers the booklet and they were all stunned. Keep doing what you’re doing and please accept my donation.
Anthony Wick, Mundelein, IL
Dear Pro-Life Action League,
As someone who is involved in the pro-life movement, I feel it is so necessary to let you know that what you all do for the pro-life movement is wonderful.
I started out with ordering the Sharing the Pro-Life Message booklet and it answered so many questions I’ve had for so long but didn’t know who to go to for the right answers. Now I have ordered the sidewalk counseling package for when I go to pray in front of the mill and would like to have the confidence and right information to help someone if I hopefully ever have the chance. Thank you for being a place of information and inspiration! You are all in my prayers.