Joe Scheidler praying at the rally [Photo by Ann Scheidler]
Joe and Ann Scheidler joined 400 people on the campus of the University of Notre Dame Sunday, April 5 for a prayer rally organized by the ND Response Team.
It was a typically cold and windy South Bend afternoon, with the rain briefly suspended during much of the rally.
Attorney Harold Cassidy, who has taken up many pro-life legal causes, spoke of the day in 1984 when then Governor Mario Cuomo spoke at Notre Dame on “Religious Belief and Public Morality.” On that occasion Cuomo articulated the rhetoric adopted by many Catholic politicians: that his personal opposition to abortion based on his faith does not mean he has any obligation to promote that belief in the public square.
Cuomo succeeded in firmly planting the notion that opposition to abortion is based on religious conviction, not scientific fact. Cassidy pointed out that Cuomo was quite wrong, but his “reasoning” has been enthusiastically picked up by politicians ever since.
Joe Scheidler with John Daly of ND Response [Photo by Ann Scheidler]
As Cassidy came to the end of his talk a young student in the crowd began to harass him, arguing that Obama was only coming to congratulate the graduates. But when it started to rain, she decided to leave.
The ND Response coordinators then led the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary while the rain continued. Philosophy Professor Alfred Freddoso spoke briefly and eloquently about the scandal of Obama’s invitation to speak at commencement and receive of an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree. Freddoso’s son is in the class of 2009. He announced he would not be attending the ceremony and then listed Obama’s pro-abortion actions as president. After each item he said Notre Dame’s administration admits these actions are bad, “but not that bad.”
The rally closed with a procession to the Grotto to place white flowers in the shrine and continue to pray for Notre Dame and for the conversion of President Obama. Attendees were asked to join a Rosary spiritual bouquet with the intention praying one million Rosaries for the conversion of the President Obama.