
Off-duty Chicago cop pulls gun on pro-lifer

Police cars outside Planned Parenthood AuroraThis morning, Wednesday, December 16, pro-lifer Rachelle Crile of Naperville went to Planned Parenthood around 8 a.m. to sidewalk counsel. After about 45 minutes in temperatures below 20 degrees, Rachelle went to her car in the Blockbuster parking lot to warm up before returning to the front lines. As Rachelle sat in her car, a couple in a white SUV pulled into the Blockbuster lot a couple rows behind her. Rachelle had a feeling the people might be coming to Planned Parenthood. Since Wednesday mornings are a prime abortion time, Rachelle knew a life could be on the line, so she said a prayer, grabbed her literature and approached the car.

Offer of Help Declined

Rachelle was approaching the car when the driver, a middle-aged man, waved a silver handgun at Rachelle from inside the car. Terrified, Rachelle put up her hands and went back to her car. A little bit later, the SUV pulled into Planned Parenthood’s parking lot and the man and a woman got out of the car and entered the facility. Jim and Rachelle Crille talk with policeSidewalk counselor Marie Sulita was also at Planned Parenthood at the time and helped Rachelle contact the police. Within minutes, several squad cars arrived along with a paddy wagon and several unmarked police cars. Officers asked Rachelle for her story and entered Planned Parenthood to interview the man. Meanwhile, Pro-Life Action League executive director Eric Scheidler arrived at the scene as well as reporters from several local media outlets. It was eventually uncovered that the man was a 41 year-old off-duty Chicago police officer whose identity the police would not divulge. He was at the clinic with a 31 year-old “female companion” according to Aurora Police spokesman Dan Ferelli.

He Said, She Said

In the end, Ferelli said it was the cop’s word against Rachelle’s and if she wants to press charges, she’s going to have to go through the State’s Attorney’s office, which she is planning to do. The police filed a “disorderly conduct report” to document the situation, but no arrests were made. Check back to this blog for more updates as they happen. This incident highlights a couple of issues surrounding our clinic witness efforts at Planned Parenthood. First of all, it confirms the ongoing pattern that acts of violence at Planned Parenthood Aurora are committed by Planned Parenthood’s staff and customers against pro-lifers. There has not been one incident of violence by a pro-lifer at this facility while there have been numerous assaults against pro-lifers many of which have resulted in arrests and convictions. Second, as Rachelle told the reporters this morning, the abortion clinic is a violent place, and we shouldn’t be surprised when the violence of tearing babies limb from limb leads to more violence, which it obviously does. The abortion mill is a place of violence and evil and there is real spiritual warfare going on there that often manifests itself physically, as it did today.

Incident Should Incite Activism

This incident, and Rachelle’s bravery, should encourage us to even more activism and presence at Planned Parenthood where a voice for life is so desperately needed. Consider joining the Pro-Life Action League as we bring the light of Christmas to the darkness of the abortion mill this Saturday, December 19th with the “Empty Manger” Caroling Day. Get all the details and maps to the four DuPage county clinics the tour will visit at the Pro-Life Action League’s website. Also, take note of the news coverage linked below, especially the vitriol being spewed in the comments section, many saying Rachelle “deserved it” and other horrible things. Feel free to leave your own comments supporting Rachelle and the important work of sidewalk counseling.

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