You will soon be hearing this message on your telephone:
Call The Mayor
“Hello. This is Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League. The Chicago City Council is about to vote on an ordinance to prohibit pro-life counselors from speaking to and even leafleting women outside abortion clinics. It will deny free speech, and a woman’s right to know. Please contact Mayor Richard M. Daley’s office and urge him to oppose this ordinance that creates a “bubble zone” at abortion clinics. To be transferred to the Mayor’s office, press one on your phone now. Thank you.”
If you are not home, this message will be recorded on your answering machine, and we will give you the Mayor’s office number, which is 312-744-3300.
If you don’t happen to be on our list to get this message, then please, if you are in the Chicago area, call the Mayor with your polite insistence that he oppose this unconstitutional ordinance dreamed up by the abortion supporters on the City Council.
Our office did not learn about this outrageous anti-life bill, which was introduced way back on September 9, until the day before it was to be discussed and voted on in the Human Relations committee. We went right to work to get the news out and we showed up at the hearings Wednesday morning, where five members of the League spoke in opposition to the bill, and Attorney Peter Breen presented the legal objections.
Meanwhile we have organized a phone campaign, designed a special post card announcing time and place of the protest we will hold in front of the Chicago City Hall-on Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 9am-when the bill will be brought before the full council, are having special “no bubble zone” pins made, and contacting all fifty members of the Chicago City Council urging them to vote against the patently unconstitutional and rabidly pro-abortion bill.
While similar bills have been introduced in other cities and some are actually in effect, we have never had bubble zones to restrict pro-lifers in Chicago and we don’t think this one will go anywhere if pro-lifers do their work aggressively.
Most “bubble zone” efforts across the country have been unsuccessful. Stay tuned and keep in touch with our Action News line and our website
News From Washington DC
In other news, our Choose Life license plate bill has been put on the shelf, perhaps permanently, though it may still have a breath of life.
And a big fight is going on in the U. S. Congress over the proposed health care bill being pushed by President Barack Obama. As all forms of the bill now stand, national health care would pay for abortion, making any version of the health plan unacceptable. And that’s a big part of the delay in getting any National Health Care plan approved. We think this single issue will be the hole in the dike that will prevent any form of the bill from passing.
40 Days For Life
40 Days for Life is going strong all over the country. Locally, we are outside the Albany abortion mill on Elston at Cicero, and are covering the site twenty-four hoarse a day. There will be a Midnight mass across from the mill this Saturday. Try to attend. It counts for your Sunday Mass.
Joe’s October Schedule
There are a score of other important pro-life activities going on as I record this message, while preparing talks to be given at St. Eugene’s Catholic Church this Friday evening, another in Michigan on Sunday, a talk and training session in Brownsville, TX on the 9th, then out to New York on the 17th, to New Mexico on the 24th and Jacksonville, FL on October 30. I’m hoping to get back to Chicago in time to scare people with my witch costume on Halloween. So that’s the message for now.