
Holy Week Events

Welcome to Holy Week—as my parish priest pointed out, it’s the only week of the year that is Holy, all the rest are just single days. So this must be special. With all the events going on, it is sure to be!

Sunday: Palm Sunday Protest At Notre Dame

Holy Week was off to a great start with 400 students and friends of Notre Dame gathering on Palm Sunday to demand that President Jenkins rescind his invitation to Obama-or at the very least decide to not give Obama a law degree. Ironically Fr. Jenkins presided at a packed Mass prior to the rally-it’s good to see Catholicism is not dead yet at Notre Dame.


Many elections are being held Tuesday, so soon we will know the results in a number of contests. We’ll finally know who will be replacing the pro-abortion Rahm Emmanuel, among others.


Wednesday of Holy Week is Spy Wednesday, and as usual the League will be hosting a spring Truth Day to celebrate. We’ll be starting at 7:30am at Madison and Wacker; at 9:30 we’ll be at Jackson and Lake Shore; and an 11:30 we’ll be at Daley Plaza. Join us if you can-and pray for us if you can’t!

Thursday: Last Day To Protest The Loss Of The Conscience Clause

Thursday of Holy Week is the final day for you to submit your comments to the Obama administration about his desire to rescind the conscience clause for health care workers. If you feel that medical workers should have the right to refuse to participate in abortions, to refer for abortions, or to prescribe abortifacient-contraceptives, let them know. Send them an email at proposedrescission@hhs.gov or fill out their online form.


Friday the League will be hosting Stations of the Cross in two locations. Join us at 3pm at Planned Parenthood in Aurora or at 5pm at Albany Surgical Medical Center on Elston Avenue.

Sunday Sunrise Service

Easter Sunday the Thomas More Society will be hosting the third annual Sunrise Easter service. It will be downtown, at Daley Plaza, beginning at 7am. It will be an interdenominational service.

Illinois FOCA Is Still Dead

Again, many thanks for your prayers and fasting, which contributed to the defeat of the Illinois FOCA bill. Knowing that they didn’t have enough votes, its sponsors never even brought it to a vote. Now they know our strength-and hopefully they won’t try it again!

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