The struggle to bring the truth about Planned Parenthood’s reckless entrance into Aurora is going strong in the courts. On July 1, 2008, the City of Aurora issued Planned Parenthood a Permanent Occupancy Permit replacing the temporary permit they had been operating under until now. With such serious doubts about the zoning of the building, a nine count law suit in State Court, the obvious question here is why would the city issue a final permit in such a disputed case? To find out the answer to that question, attorneys Tom Brejcha and Peter Breen from the Thomas More Society, Chicago have brought complaints to both the Zoning board of Appeals and the Building Code Board of Appeals to challenge the permit. Last night was scheduled to be the first hearing before Aurora’s Building Code Board of Appeals. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the hearing was scheduled at the board’s convenience, two of the members failed to appear. Unable to call a quorum without at least four members, the hearing was not allowed to take place. Dates were set, though not officially on the record, for how the hearings will proceed and the next hearing (though actually the first) will take place on September 10, at 5 p.m. in the Aurora City Council Chambers. So while nothing happened to speak of last night, the wheels are in motion. We will keep you up to date on further developments as they occur.