
Upcoming Pro-Life Events

Get your pro-life T-shirt so you can participate in National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day on Tuesday, April 29: Also, Stand True Ministries is sponsoring the National Mother’s Day Baby Shower to benefit pregnancy resource centers across the country.

The National Mother’s Day Baby Shower is designed to raise much needed resources for crisis pregnancy centers and homes for unwed mothers. It is our desire to collect diapers, blankets, formula and other much needed items for these centers to be used for women in need. These centers provide some of the most important care for women in a crisis pregnancy situation and are often times the difference between life and death. Please consider organizing a baby shower for your region, school or church and help bring much needed resources to your local crisis pregnancy center. Can you give up one night out to buy a package of diapers? Can you skip one lunch to make a donation that could help save a baby’s life?

Want to get involved? Learn more here.

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