
Record numbers and rough weather at Aurora “Face the Truth” Tour stop

Saturday morning was the final day of the Pro-Life Action League’s summer Face the Truth Tour which just happened to coincide with Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood’s monthly protest at PP Aurora. The day dawned with dark clouds and heavy rains. There were initial worries that the display would not be able to proceed due to the inclement weather. But with hope in our hearts, we started with a small picket line on New York Street. Slowly but surely, pro-lifers began to trickle in. As the rain began to subside, the trickle turned into a flood until each and every picket sign we brought was in the line and the people were still coming. By 9:15 the graphic signs were brought out and in no time both sides of New York Street between Eola and Oakhurst were lined with signs displaying the truth about abortion. All told, over 150 people came to show their support for life, more than we had at any other site on the Face the Truth Tour across all of Northern Illinois. The only trouble came when Joe Scheidler, National Director of the Pro-Life Action League, was ordered off the corner of New York Street and Oakhurst Drive even though he was holding his sign on a site hard to construe as anything other than a public thoroughfare open to protest. Joe stood his ground while Eric Scheidler spoke to police, who made no final decision on whether to force Joe to leave before the scheduled end time of 10:30 a.m. so there he stayed. The next two sites, Washington and Ogden in Naperville and Rt. 59 and New York St. in Aurora, drew numbers almost as large despite pouring rain all through the Naperville site. The Pro-Life Action League’s Ann Scheidler said that this year was one of the best Face the Truth Tours in the nine years the Tours have run. Once again, Aurora’s pro-life community showed Illinois what effective pro-life activism looks like.

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