Well shame on us for not telling you the big news about our libel case against Planned Parenthood! We’ve been so busy planning for the Our Lady of Guadalupe mass and for next year (which promises to be action packed!) that we skipped right over that piece of news!
Status Of Our PP/Trombley Libel Suit
To recap, Eric Scheidler filed this libel case against Planned Parenthood for libel committed against himself and the League in their attempt to open their Abortion Fortress in Aurora. Judge Brawka ruled against the League, dismissed all counts, and ordered us to pay PP more than $300,000 in lawyers fees. She said, however, that a few items which had been recently uncovered could be brought up at a later date.
That date was last Wednesday. The good news is that Judge Brawka agreed to hear evidence on two counts of libel. She said that these acts, unlike the others, could not be considered protected speech under the Citizens Participation Act. Like Jill Stanek points out, the timing of the signing of CPA is “curious,” considering the financial scandals our governor is currently embroiled in. The bill was signed just days before Trombley and PP ran their first libelous ad in the Aurora Beacon. Hmmm. Unfortunately, I think investigators have their hands full trying to take care of his “selling the senate seat” worries to figure out if there was anything dirty going on with CPA. But if PP’s track record counts for anything, it wouldn’t look good for Blago.
Live Action Films Continues To Expose Planned Parenthood
Speaking of Planned Parenthood and illegal activities, Lila Rose’s Live Action Films has released its first two videos from The Mona Lisa Project. These videos expose Planned Parenthood employees in two different Indiana clinics who coach a 13 year old girl on how to evade parental consent laws in order to have an abortion and hide her 31 year old boyfriend from being exposed as a statutory rapist.
One of my favorite Christmas-time events will be this Saturday, December 20. I hope you can join the League for its annual Empty Manger Christmas Caroling. Like last year, we’ll be hosting events in Chicago and in DuPage County. The Chicago circuit will begin at 9 am at Planned Parenthood, 1200 N. La Salle Dr. There are always plenty of deathscorts there, so let’s be sure to massively outnumber them! The DuPage circuit will also begin at 9am; they will meet at the ACU Health Center, 736 N. York Rd. in Hinsdale. A full schedule and maps to the locations are available at our website.
If you don’t live in the Chicagoland area, we hope you’ll host your own Empty Manger event. Our downloadable songsheet [PDF] is on our website-and we’ve added new carols for this year! And I hope you’ll let us know how your event goes-call us at 773-777-2900 or send us an email!